Food Intolerances: Statistics That Will Shock You!

Food Intolerances: Statistics That Will Shock You!

As society has progressed, we have started to learn more about our bodies and what makes them tick. This has included becoming concerned with our overall gut health. With Each year that passes, more and more people across the globe take food intolerance tests, whether that be via home food intolerance tests or in a doctors/hospital setting. But, why the upward trend?

Well, with advancements in testing technology and a greater understanding of food sensitivities, we now have access to more information than ever before.

In this blog post, we look at a few statistics around the subject of food intolerances that may shock you!

6% of the UK Population Have an Intolerance to Gluten

According to research, close to 6% of the UK population have an intolerance to gluten. The symptoms of gluten intolerance can vary greatly from one sufferer to the next. Common ailments include diarrhoea, stomach cramps, fatigue and joint pain.

1 in Ten People are Lactose Intolerance

Dairy sensitives have gone unnoticed for many years. However, in the last decade or so, this has changed. Now, 1 in 10 people in the UK have been officially diagnosed with lactose intolerance.

40% of Individuals Who Self-reported Food Sensitivities Reported Experiencing Anxiety

With symptoms of intolerances tending to be uncomfortable and lime-limiting, having a food intolerance can, in some cases, impact a person’s mental health. Feelings of anxiety and depression are common reactions to living with a food sensitivity.

We Have Tested Over 15,000 People for Food Intolerances

As an experienced food intolerance testing business, we have a growing community of customers. To date, we have helped over 15,000 people to understand their bodies and the foods that they have a sensitivity to. 

We Rest over 220 Food Groups When Conducting Food Intolerance Tests

If you are thinking of taking a food intolerance test, then we urge you to consider using a Supply Life kit. This is because we utilise world-leading immunoassay microarray technology to detect food-specific IgG antibodies to 220 different foods. This means we will gain a complete picture of your gut health and provide information on what food you should avoid.

Compare Food Intolerance Tests

Are you looking to take a food intolerance test? If so, compare our three test options today!

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