Signs it's Time for a Food Intolerance Test

Signs it's Time for a Food Intolerance Test

Food intolerances can impact and affect people in many different ways, both physically and mentally. In many cases, intolerances can be hard to identify and difficult to diagnose. Here at Supply Life, we have been helping our ever-growing community of customers with intolerance testing services for many years, allowing them to understand their bodies and make positive steps to a healthier and happier life. 

What is a food intolerance?


A food intolerance is a digestive system response rather than an immune system response. An intolerance occurs when a certain food irritates a person’s digestive system in some way. 

Below, we delve into some telltale signs that it’s time for a food intolerance test. So, if you are displaying any of them below ailments or discomforts, now is the time to act.



Bloating of the stomach area is one of the most common and recognised signs that someone has a food intolerance. Bloating is often caused by a build-up of gas in the stomach and intestines.

Signals of bloating include tightness on the stomach, stomach pains and the stomach making gurgling sounds. 

There are a few reasons an intolerance can lead to bloating. In many cases, an increased amount of gas may be produced in reaction to a food that the body doesn’t like. A food intolerance could also result in gas being trapped or an individual not being able to empty their bowel wholly. 

Those with a food intolerance can experience regular bloating for long periods. 

Stomach cramps


Stomach and digestive system distress can be painful and uncomfortable, causing mild to severe pain. Stomach cramps can be another symptom of food intolerances. The pain can worsen gradually, with the severity of the pain usually linked to how much of the food is eaten and how long ago it was consumed. 



If you have a food intolerance you could well experience diarrhoea or loose stools. Dairy and gluten are common food intolerances renowned for causing diarrhoea. While diarrhoea is something that most UK adults and children experience at some point in their life, regular diarrhoea can be painful, uncomfortable and life-limiting. 

Migraines and headaches


A food intolerance is a common trigger for headaches and migraines. 

If the body detects a food that it doesn't like, it will react. In many cases, the body will release IgG antibodies into the bloodstream which are renowned for causing headaches and in extreme cases, migraines. If you are experiencing headaches after eating, you may well have a food intolerance. 



Malaise is that feeling of being under the weather and not quite right. If you are experiencing feelings of lethargy, we would highly suggest taking a food intolerance test. This is because food intolerances can restrict the body from absorbing antioxidants and other nutrients, leaving you feeling sluggish as a result.

Other symptoms of food intolerances: 


While the above are the most common food intolerance symptoms, they are just a few of many. Others to look out for include: 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Rashes on the surface of the skin
  • A running nose

Food intolerance tests 


It is estimated that 9 million adults in the UK have a food intolerance of some sort. To learn more about your body and discover whether or not you have an intolerance, explore our testing options here

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